Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Jewellery Photography

I've had my jewellery photographer hat on quite a bit recently, and here are some of the shots to come out of recent projects.

Stop by the full portfolio if you'd like to see more:

All images here & on the main portfolio site are subject to copyright. ©Phillip Shannon and must not be copied, downloaded, saved or pinned without written permission.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Keeping one step ahead with commercial photography.

Professional, commercial, photographer, Leeds, Yorkshire, UK, advertsing, product

In recent weeks I have been involved with a multitude of clients and projects, working in studio and on location.

This mix of photography is very much welcomed and dealing with a different set of photographic puzzles is what commercial photography is all about.

A common thread through these projects for the clients was one of ” keeping one step ahead “

All of them realised that producing high quality commercial shots of their products was an integral part of their overall marketing plan.

We are often told we live in a 24/7 global village, blah, blah, blah, but actually for any business whether you are in Leeds or Los Angeles presenting your business website in a professional manner to your local audience is a vital element on how well your business website or brochure performs.

Another common element in my work has been the needs of the clients to keep the images on their website refreshed and up to date, when new product lines become available.

As a consumer you will know how interesting it is to visit a retail website that is updated on a regular basis with new products on show, new offers and discounts. Also how turned off we are, when a website seems to offering the same products, for the same costs with little or no offers visible.

Keeping your products looking attractive to existing and probably more importantly new customers is achievable only with professional commercial photography.

Commercial photographs that are used on your website or in your business brochure that do not convey the products or services that you offer in a professional manner will seriously degrade your offering to the potential customers who may be interested in doing business with you.

Keep them on board with professional photography.

Phillip Shannon is a Professional Photographer with over 17 years experience in the commercial sector, the website here shows a large ranging portfolio, anything from Food photography to product shots and location interiors of your business premisses.

Phillip Shannon can deliver hard working images to you without fuss and to a budget to suit your particular needs.

Contact Leeds based Photographer Phillip Shannon Today.

0113 240 9982 or 07984 020 955

The portfolios cover Food Photography, Product & Still Life Photography, Jewellery PhotographyCreative Photography, People Photography, Location & Interiors Photography

All images here & on the portfolio website are © Phillip Shannon and should not be copied, downloaded or published in any way without prior arrangement with Phillip Shannon Photography.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Summer starts with a summery studio shoot.

Food, Drink, Photographer, Leeds, Yorkshire, commercial, advertising, studio, professional

Well at long last we seem to have some decent summery weather as I write this and in the last couple of weeks I had the great pleasure in working with a local artisan food business.

We carried out the Food Photography in studio for a few reasons, the main one being that you can never reply on the weather to do what you want just at the right time.

The new food product is Lassi ( a yogurt based drink ) which is an extension to a very successful product range by local food business

The image shown here shows the product shot in a garden table setting.

Food & product photography is a growing sector, with many food businesses particularly here in the Yorkshire region starting up all the time.

The importance of presenting your products well is clearly an important factor to letting people know who you are, what your product looks like and the brand identity which you wish to communicate.

Even for a one person enterprise, if you are to develop your business online, with Twitter and Facebook & with your own website, positive & well presented images are a hugely important element.

I have shot food and product photography for the whole of my professional career, now in my 17th Year and can produce hard working images that you need to move your products forward at a cost which will not break the bank.

Take a look at the portfolios on the my website here: Food Photography, Product Photography, Jewellery Photography, Creative Photography, People Photography, Location & Interiors Photography

All images are ©Phillip Shannon Photography and must not be copied, downloaded, pinned without full written permission by Phillip Shannon.

Contact Leeds based Photographer Phillip Shannon Today.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

How to use Product Photography to Increase sales

Product photography is all around us, in fact it has become so common place that in a way we do not notice it.

We are bombarded by thousands of images everyday, TV, magazines, internet. The internet now accounts for one of the largest areas of visual input, particularly now, as more and more of us use the internet on the move via smart phones. This is nothing new I hear you cry, but the impact of how the image is seen & used in the promotion is now more important than ever.

Standing out from the crowd has always been a mantra many businesses use, but now the entry level for image standards has been raised much higher than what was, say 5 years ago.

Creating a professional look to the photography that represents your business is vital to the success it has in engaging your customer.

The rewards from using professional imagery on your business website or brochure is tenfold compared to using poor amateur shots which will only have a negative effect on the customer experience.

Professional Photographers are highly skilled at taking a simple object, a companies product and expertly photographing it so that it answers the photographic brief.

If you take a simple object such as a bottle of beer or packet of crisps for example, some may think this is an everyday item, and it must be straight forward to shoot?. People may perceive it to be an easy thing got do in many cases and business owners may even attempt to shoot product photography themselves as they have access to a digital camera.

Photographing a glass bottle must allow the viewer to believe that it is a real glass bottle, not an illustration, and also be able to clearly read the label of the product.

If you have ever tried to photograph anything in glass or plastic packaging, then you will know that controlling highlights, mid tones and shadows is where the photographer skill is shown to its best.

Here you can see examples of simple and more creative product and pack shot photography.
© Phillip Shannon Photography
© Phillip Shannon Photography

Phillip Shannon is a Professional Photography with over 16 years experience in the commercial sector and a large ranging portfolio, Phillip Shannon can deliver hard working images to you without fuss and to a budget to suit your particular needs.

Contact Phillip Shannon today for a free quote for your next photography project.

The portfolios cover Food Photography, Product Photography, Jewellery Photography,  Creative Photography, People Photography, Location & Interiors Photography.

Visit the main portfolio site here:

Based in Leeds Yorkshire, Phillip can provide studio or location photography at your place of business.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Food Portfolio Selection

An example of the images in my food portfolio brought to you as a short movie.

Stop by the main portfolio site to see these and more of my commercial photography.

Visit the main portfolio site here: All images are ©Phillip Shannon and must not be copied, downloaded, pinned without expression written permission from Phillip Shannon.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Make the right impression in 2013. Review the photography for your business

Make the right impression in 2013.
professional commercial photographer phillip shannnon leeds yorkshire uk

At the beginning of a New Year, people often make resolutions to change or improve something in their life, this can be also a great time to review your business as well.

Reviewing how your business looks to the outside world is a healthy business stand point.

Recent reports on the challenging and tough times for many retailers and businesses across the UK seem to point to one outcome. Those companies which adapt their business model, embrace new technology or new ways of selling and communicating with their customers are the ones which will have a more positive position in the future.

Online selling or having an online presence is vital to communicating with your customers and clients.

The photographic images which represent your business are the first tool you can use in your online offering.

When people are navigating the web, they are attracted by the visual and the images which catch their eye will be the ones which will keep the interest of the new customer long enough so they can continue to read about you, your business and products or services.

Poor representation of your products or business in general, through poor photography will mean the customer will often skip past your website and move onto the next.

Follow these simple steps to reviewing your business photography.

• How long did you last update the images on your website?.
Images should be updated at least every quarter or when new products or services are available.

• Do the images sell you products well?, do they tell the correct story?

• Using a Professional Photographer will add value to your business, look up it as an investment in the future success of your business.

• Stand out from the crowd. Your competitors will have the upper hand if they use professional photography and you don't.

• Use a Photographer whose portfolio you like and who can advise on your particular need s for the images you require. An experienced photographer will be able to talk you through what you need and what you don't need.

Phillip Shannon is a Professional Photography with over 16 years experience in the commercial sector and a large ranging portfolio, Phillip Shannon can deliver hard working images to you without fuss and to a budget to suit your particular needs.

The portfolios cover Food Photography, Product Photography, Jewellery Photography,  Creative Photography, People Photography, Location & Interiors Photography.

Visit the main portfolio site here: All images are ©Phillip Shannon and must not be copied, downloaded, pinned without expression written permission from Phillip Shannon.

Based in Leeds, Yorkshire. Phillip can provide studio photography to clients in the region and also location services here and across the UK.